Holden Explorers

We proudly support a team of excellent humans as they explore their passions for an active and epic lifestyle. These individuals inspire us to get out there and live a #lifewellled.


Brendan Gerard

Freddi Kalbermatten 

Gray Thompson

Cale Zima

Chad Otterstrom 

Shay Lee

Gus Engle

Mikey LeBlanc

Russ Winfield

Brendan Gerard

Freddi Kalbermatten 

Gray Thompson

Cale Zima

Chad Otterstrom 

Shay Lee

Gus Engle

Mikey LeBlanc

Russ Winfield

Brendan Gerard

Freddi Kalbermatten 

Gray Thompson

Cale Zima

Chad Otterstrom 

Shay Lee

Gus Engle

Mikey LeBlanc

Russ Winfield